January 27th, 2024


Red Carpet Entrance

Black Tie Optional

Champagne on Ice

join us for the black tie event of the year

Community Hero Sponsors

West Point Bank

Swope Family Dealerships

The Cecilian Bank

Our Mission

Our mission is to support and bring needed funds to our community.

Elizabethtown Community and Technical College

Funding raised will go into an Emergency fund.

It has been found that when students are unable to purchase additional items needed to complete or participate in classes it leads to a higher drop out rate.

The Emergency Fund

The Emergency fund will be used to purchase items such as medical scrubs, shop safety equipment and other items needed to keep them in the class room.

Claims & Processing Garage

C&P Garage is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping veterans with navigating the VA system and paperwork for claims. We understand the unique challenges veterans face, and we are here to offer our support and assistance. Our goal is to provide veterans with the resources, knowledge, and guidance they need to successfully navigate the VA system.

They are a small team of volunteers that includes veterans and family members who are here to make a difference in the lives of veterans.

Our Sponsors